Wizard World aka Chicago Comic Con 2003

The following are photos taken at Wizard World 2003 by SonOfDoc

The first 5 are : 1) The opening entrance to that which is Wizard World aka Chicago Comic Con, 2 & 3) DOC and Russ Maheras, 4) DOC, Dann Phillips and Jim Rokel), 5) Nino Mesarina (Unbelievable Laundry Detergent Man) and Keven Girard (Blake Astro) at the IPC table (Instant Press Comics)

The next 5 are 1) DOC and ScionOfDoc, 2) Rod and Barb of Kiss-Me-Comix, 3) Nick Hebert (DJ) of Blank Page Studios, 4) Brandon Mitchell of Birch Bark Comics and Creator of Sacred Circles, 5) Joanne Mutch of Another Dream Studios and Creator of Rummlestrip

Next five are 1) Nino of IPC and Creator of Unbelievable Laundry Detergent Man, 2) Rene Castillano Publisher of IPC and Creator of Dorks, 3) Nick and Brandon at the INTER-FAN table with Denver Brubaker from Happy Satellite Studios, 4) Rene and Kev at the IPC table, 5) DOC and Lady DOC (Lance and Krista) at the IF table

The next set are: 1) DOC and Maggie Thompson of the CBG and Fandom Legend, 2) DOC and Joanne of Rummlestrips, 3) Aaron Brigman modeling the DreamDemon mask he made, 4) Two versions of said masks 5) SonOfDoc (Steve) climbing the walls..so to speak, 6) DOC and Fiero-Lad (Scott), 7) The Great IF gathering at Giordano's after the Con [Left: Jim, Wally, Jessica, Krista. Right: Steve, Aaron, Michelle, Marcus, DOC, Derick], sorry the pic is dark but they were there!! Will be adding others later!!!